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Michiru & Haruka's Den


"Oh, maybe you misunderstood. A world without Haruka is hardly worth saving." -Michiru
"Why is it Michiru, that you always leave me and go off into your own world?" -Haruka
"That isn't a source of power, it's just a sign of love."-Michiru
*Grabs Haruka's arm*
Haruka: Ouch!
Michiru: I'm sorry did that hurt you?
Haruka: I want you to touch me gently.
Michiru: Later when we're alone...
"I'm not jealous, I just can't allow you to look at anyone else besides me." -Haruka
Michiru: You didn't break a sweat. I think you were holding back. Right?
Haruka: What do you mean?
Michiru: You can hear the wind rustling, can't you?
Haruka's thoughts: At that moment, I knew that she was that person. And she knew about my real figure! I was a born soldier. It was destiny. Iwas not ready to accept that fact. Probably because, I knew that once I did, everything would change...
Haruka: You're strange. So, what do you want of me?
Michiru: Would you be a model for my painting?
Haruka: Pass! i don't like that kind of thing.
(Balcony Scene)
Michiru: I'm scared
Haruka: Why?
Michiru: I don't know
(Haruka hug Michiru)
Haruka: Don't be scared, I'm staying with you.
(Michiru looks at Haruka and kisses her)
Michiru: I'm not scared anymore
(Michiru smiles, Haruka and Michiru look into horizon)

Well, that's it for now, if you have any good quotes by us, send them into our contacts page.